Au Contraire


7:22 pm 31/05/12

This site is a work in progress; if there are any additional features you'd like to see, this is the place to let us know! We can't make any promises about implementing everything that's requested, or how long it might take (this is purely a volunteer endeavour) but we'll see what we can do.


7:26 pm 31/05/12

One thing we'd like to add is an indication of whether new posts have been made in a thread since you last read it, and the ability to skip to the most recent unread page. The latter will be more useful for long threads!


7:52 pm 12/06/12

Hi Kelly. How about the ability to reply to a particular forum post, rather than just add a message to the end of a thread?

Regards Joff.


12:43 pm 5/07/12

So, the ability to preview posts, and or the ability to edit or delete posts, would be very useful, as can be seen from my first post(s) in the Events thread   


6:23 pm 5/07/12

Yep, both good ideas; I'll get on to it when I have time. I've deleted said first post.


6:10 pm 16/10/12
JoffreHorlor wrote:

Hi Kelly. How about the ability to reply to a particular forum post, rather than just add a message to the end of a thread?

Like this, you mean? I've also added a preview option.


6:51 am 26/05/13

An edit button, I feel awkword posting multiple times in a row but Often I forget to say something.

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